Friday, June 5, 2009

Flying The Colors

My husband and I live in a small community about a mile from Ft. Carson, CO. We have 6 children, all grown, 3 are veterans and our youngest is currently serving as a US Marine.
There is a heartshaped patriotic wreath hanging on our front door, which contains a small american flag that waves to passersby. We do have a beautiful full size americn flag that we hang occasionally on the stand at the front of our house, but sadly, we don't hang it often enough. My excuse for that is the amount of strong winds we get at our place and the fact that we have to keep replacing the attachment that holds the flag every so often from the beating it takes.
My point in saying all this is to remind you (as well as myself) that there are 2 days this month that we need to make a point of flying our flags high.
Tomorrow...June the 65 anniversary of D-Day when the allied troops landed on the beaches of Normany and began the end of WWII. Of course, many men lost their lives that day, even before landing on the beach and there were many bloody battles to follow.
June 14th is Flag Day. The day commemorates the adoption of the US flag, which happend on 6/14/1777 by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress. President Wilson later issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th each year as Flag Day.
We live in a stressful world and the business of day to day living often gets in the way of some of the simple things we can do to show how grateful we are to live in a country that allows us the freedom to openly disagree with each other as well as with our government, a country where we are free to travel where we want and when we want, where we are still able to worship in any church we choose...or not at all
Please join me in flying the colors this month and taking a few moments to say a thank you for all of our many blessings.

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